How To Heal Each Other
It’s been said that a little goes a long way, and it’s true. Sometimes just a little change makes a big difference. And so it is with us and our well-being. In fact, if you look at the word “Illness” and replace the “I” with “We” you get wellness.
Imagine that. By simply replacing the “I” with “We” you create wellness from illness.
Maybe that’s why health experts say “Community builds immunity.” They know when we connect with one another and focus on our similarities rather than our differences, we get better. We laugh more, smile more and we’re happier because we are all more alike than we are different.
Connection is KEY. The “WE” is the key.
Try this little experiment for a week......
1. When you look at someone, see them thriving in their wellness.
2. When you spend time with people, focus on their good traits.
3. Give only love to your friends, neighbors, co-workers and loved ones. After all, when you point to yourself, you always point to your heart and not your head.
4. Remember that whatever you seek you shall find. What you give you get. See the wholeness in people rather than their faults.
Famed psychiatrist and spiritual teacher Dr. David R. Hawkins healed his clients by focusing on their wellness rather than their illness. He understood the power of focus. He realized that where we put our intention and attention... is what manifests. He knew that what we focus on GROWS…
So let’s do it. Let’s focus on wellness, not illness. Replace the “I” with “We” and watch our wellness grow together.
P.S. One more thing...
“Always, always, always go where the love is.”