Be At Cause!


Feelings of overwhelm about our children, mortgages, aging parents, debt, and diagnosis can create a sense of helplessness and hopelessness.

When we are at the mercy of external circumstances or other people’s behaviors, we suffer. The seemingly despairing circumstances become our cause, and our victimhood becomes the effect.

In Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), the premise is to take one’s power back and to take 100% percent responsibility for one’s thoughts, feelings, and actions so we can stay in the cause rather than the effect. By focusing on our cause, we can learn to identify and change the underlying beliefs, patterns, and habits that drive our responses to external stimuli. It is empowering to respond more maturely to challenges rather than reacting impulsively or feeling like a victim of circumstances beyond our control. 

By staying in the cause, we make conscious choices to create proactive outcomes we desire so we can take full ownership rather than passively reacting to external events. In other words, we are causing effect rather than cause and effect.

We can choose to understand that we have the power to influence our experiences through reframing and proactively taking charge of our thoughts, language, and behavior. 

By learning tools to reframe what a privilege it is to raise children, have a home, grow old, have medical care, and use the banking system, we “get to” stay in cause rather than “having to” remain in effect.

*Visit Susan Foxley at the “Mindful Expo” at the Anaheim Convention Center On April 20th and at “Awaken Higher Love” April 21st. Email for more information. Thank you for reading and sharing!