Wake Up

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What’s the first thing you think about when you wake up in the morning?

Are you excited to get up and greet the day? Or do you bury your head in the blankets?

Do you think:

-“I hate my job.”

-“I’m too tired.”

-“I feel old.”

Well, prosperity coach Catherine Ponder says, “Whatever you utter becomes outer in your world.”

Do you want to affirm such negativity, that you hate, you’re tired and old? Of course not. So don’t.

How about feeling exhilarated, filled with enthusiasm and more vibrant and youthful than ever?

Say positive affirmations out loud when you wake up and throughout the day.

Whatever you speak out loud becomes the outer manifestation of your reality.

So let’s speak wisely, think wisely and choose our thoughts consciously. 

Throw out that “stinking thinking” and plant new thoughts, new words and new feelings.

Then what you utter will become your outer and help you create a happier life.

Try it for a day or two then let me know how you feel…

One more thing…

“Always, always, always go where the love is.”

Learn more great tools at Susan Foxley’s monthly workshops in Santa Monica, California. Signup today.