Go Ahead And Screw Up


No matter what your profession is, there’s always going to be someone better than you or worse than you. It’s true. Accept it.  So stop comparing yourself with others and focus on your strengths and gifts, rather than your weaknesses and shortcomings. 

Last week I hosted and produced ten yoga television shows in three days. Plowing right through my perfectly imperfect shows, there were plenty of little missteps and delays. Some yoga students canceling at the last minute, others a little wobbly at times, me trying to keep it light and together at the same time.

My 55+ yoga students represent the challenges people face everyday with aging, both emotionally and physically. Our shows feature beginner and intermediate students, and they are NOT 20-somethings in designer Lululemon’s with flawless bodies doing perfect poses.

We show real people, with real issues, and all types of shapes and sizes. We do not hide our wrinkles of time nor our aches and pains. Our shows on CityTV in Santa Monica features everyday people doing their imperfect best at imperfect yoga (including me)!

You see, I may not not be the best yoga teacher in the world, but I love what I do, my students say I’m good at it and I give 110% to every student I teach with kindness, compassion, and dedication. 

Go out there with flaws and all, wobbly or sturdy, and give it your best shot, and don’t give a hoot what anybody thinks.  Paint your painting, sing your song, write your book, state your case, make that call, follow your own compass. 

My spiritual advisor always tells me she strives for imperfection. She knows seeking perfection is a recipe for failure, because, let’s face it, we’ll never get there and we’ll always come up short. So go ahead and make a mess and embrace your humanness while doing it.  

No one is perfect. Stop comparing other people’s outside with your inside. We all have special inherent gifts. Seek them, find them and share them with the world imperfectly, without giving a damn what anyone thinks about you!


Thank you for reading and if you like it, please share.

Melissa Heller2015