Respect Builds Rapport


Two people are looking at the grey, blue ocean with its large waves and frothy white caps.

One person is thrilled and excited to see the waves. It brings excitement and total bliss, evoking memories of surfing and catching waves.

The other person is terrified and immediately feels fear and panic. It brings back memories of being tossed and turned, evoking a sense of terror.

Neither is right or wrong. It is essential to respect each other’s views.

Besides respecting each other’s views, it’s crucial to build rapport.

If you encounter resistance with a friend, client, parent, child, or acquaintance, meet them where they are.

Validate how scary the ocean must be from their experience. Repeat back to them what you heard them say. Make them feel seen, heard, and respected for their point of view.

With the person who has a positive perspective, express how you sense, hear, and see their excitement and acknowledge the delightful times they have had in the ocean.

When listening to others, it’s essential to be objective, without judgment or criticism, and to repeat what you heard them say, feel, and what you comprehend.

By repeating and acknowledging someone’s experience, they feel validated, heard, accepted, and loved.

Try to accept them unconditionally for their point of view and meet them where they are.

By building rapport, you will break down any walls of resistance and instead build connection, compassion, and understanding.

By matching and mirroring those around you with validation, connection, and understanding, you will see walls crumble, hearts open, and a deep acceptance that the ocean is simply the ocean, giving people the dignity of their own perspective.

Respect others' points of view. Build rapport and stop resistance.

P.S. If you enjoyed this blog, please share. And remember to always, always always go where the love is! Namaste.