When In Doubt, Don't


When In Doubt, Don’t


People are always saying, “Life is about choices.” We hear it all the time. And it’s TRUE. Our paths, our relationships, our careers, our families, and even our very lives can be affected by certain decisions we make at critical points along our journey.


When you reach a certain point and need to decide, what “compass” is YOUR guide?


I’m asking because the older I get, the more I realize TIME is our friend. Time helps us consider a situation a little more thoroughly. It gives us time to get more information. Time also gives us a better chance to understand the emotional side of a decision. Feelings can change quickly from one day to the next. Rushing or forcing a decision can lead to making the wrong one. Time allows us to process challenges and create better solutions.


Sometimes, we have to act in a hurry, but other times, the best decision is not to make it right away. Often, if we’ve ended a relationship, changed jobs, or suffered a profound loss, we are vulnerable to making knee-jerk decisions that can have catastrophic consequences. That’s when it’s time to press the pause button! In other words, when in doubt, don’t.


Never turn a temporary problem into a permanent one. If there’s too much going on in your life, take time for some of it to settle down. When you’re in crisis, don’t rush essential decisions unless you absolutely have to. Emotions can cloud or clarify our feelings, so let’s save our vital choices when we’re at our best and feeling good about them.


Give yourself time to heal any wounds. Go easier on yourself. Slow down when you can. Life doesn’t always need to be a race. Stop and smell the roses. We’re human beings, not human “goings.” Taking a little more time can provide us with clarity and wisdom. Please wait until you feel better about a situation before acting on it.  


Negative thoughts lead to negative feelings and produce negative choices and negative results. Give yourself time to make decisions you feel better about, and you’ll make better choices with better results.


Three final thoughts when it comes to making decisions: 

 !) When time feels like it’s flying or it’s a struggle, remember you’re the pilot.

2) The most significant decisions are either a “Hell yes!” or a “Hell No.” (Try it)

2) “Always, always, ALWAYS, go where the love is.”