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At Foxley Fitness we listen, care and help you thrive mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually through the use of our various modalities. We have a strong belief in compassionate and unconditional love when customizing your care using our methods of life coaching, yoga, bodywork, breathwork, NLP and hypnosis. We believe it's your birthright to thrive in all ways and we are committed to helping you achieve speedy and long lasting results to catapult you into a new future.


Yoga & life coaching books


"The Foxley Fix: The Little Instruction Book of Essential Yoga Poses" by Susan Foxley

"In three decades of teaching yoga and healthy life habits to thousands of people ages 5-to-95, I've found less is MORE... Do a little every day and enjoy the process of opening, like a rose blooming."

These yoga poses can be done with a heating pad, and either on the floor or in your bed. If you have a job where you’re on your feet all day, or sitting in a chair or car, this is a fabulous sequence that promotes lifelong agility and overall health. The book includes 30 poses with companion photos and full instructions (including breathing and affirmations).

$12.99 (Paperback)


"Mixed Up to Fixed Up in Four Weeks: A Life Guide for Growth" by Susan Foxley

The “Mixed Up to Fixed Up in 4 Weeks” Life Guide is a simple, step-by-step map to creating a better life for yourself. It follows Susan’s first book: a compilation work with a decade’s worth of writing on how to go from “the dark night of the soul” to the “New You.”

$3.99 (Kindle), $18.95 (Paperback)


"Mixed Up to Fixed Up: Turn Your Life Around. Today." by Susan Foxley | ★★★★★

Learn how to listen to your heart and follow your own compass. Incorporate personal, life-coaching lessons and strategies into your life, to get you from “Mixed Up to Fixed Up.” I help people live healthier, happier lives. Fitness is more than physical. It’s emotional, mental and even spiritual.

$5.95 (Kindle), $16.95 (Paperback)



Life Coaching Sessions - online & in-person

Yoga Classes - 1-on-1 & group

Workshops & Retreats

Foxley fitness founder, susan foxley is a certified life coach, clinical hypnotherapist, registered yoga master, and author.

Let her help YOU live a healthier, happier life - mind, body and soul.

Susan will inspire and motivate you, she is a compassionate yet honest coach and teacher. Life coaching sessions include hypnotherapy for stress relief, happiness, health, for better sleep, to quit smoking and/or weight loss, if needed.



Subscribe to Susan’s YouTube Channel - to watch 76 FREE yoga instruction and life coaching videos.


Transformation Testimonials